Introducing: Virtual Mortgages from America’s Mortgage Resource

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We’re New Orleanians. And we love high fives, handshakes and hugs as much as anybody.

Our favorite part of being mortgage lenders is meeting with clients to talk about their dreams and figuring out how to make them a reality.

Sadly, right now it’s best NOT to meet with people directly. There’s no high fives, handshakes or hugs when loans close.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t do the other part we love which is helping people get a great home loan. We just do it virtually now!

Introducing: The Virtual Mortgage

It’s a brave new world!

For the first time in our 20+ year history, we’re closing loans virtually without ever having met our borrower face-to-face!

We’re adapting to life with dual screens and technology we’ve been meaning to use for some time now.

And you know what? We kind of like it!

The technology part that is…

Virtual Mortgages from America’s Mortgage Resource

We believe the addition of new technology is a good long-term change that benefits everyone. But we’re still anxious to get back to hugs & high fives!

The Local Service & Expertise You Deserve, The Technology You Love

We often hear from people who think the big online lenders have technology that local lenders don’t. People also sometimes think this high-tech approach means lower rates or fees.

The fact is, we have the same technology that the online lenders have.

And we have the same, if not better, rates.

One thing that we have that they don’t is local expertise from caring, seasoned lending professionals.

We’ve got the technology you want, applied with the experience you deserve. That way you get the home loan you love with a process that’s easy.

So, here’s to positive changes coming out of the COVID-19 crisis!

We sincerely hope you; your family & friends stay safe during this critical time!