3 Tips for Fighting “Hurricane Fatigue” in New Orleans

/ / News, Season

Barry is gone. Luckily, most of the metro area was spared serious damage.

Except for the early onset of “Hurricane Fatigue”.

It started to set in over the weekend. You probably saw the Facebook memes like this:

And this one

Even Jim Cantori looked bored while standing in the Quarter. That’s hard to do.

But this is New Orleans, and we can’t let our guard down no matter how many times the weather people cry “wolf”.

If you’re already sick of watching the weather apps for hurricane coverage, here are 3 things you can do now to put your mind at ease and get back to living for the rest of hurricane season.

Tip #1: Clean your gutters & catch basins

If you live on the Southshore, you know the flooding risk. You also know the city is probably not going to clean the catch basins in front of your home anytime soon.

Take matters into your own hands and make sure your catch basins and drainage near your home are as good as they can possibly be.

If you have gutters or live on the Northshore where street flooding isn’t as prevalent (outside of properties near rivers), make sure your gutters are clean. Roofers & handymen make a living this time of year off of people who forget to have their gutters cleaned out and let the water back up into their homes.

Tip #2: Check your insurance coverage & deductibles

When’s the last time you reviewed your insurance coverage & deductibles with your agent?

If it’s been awhile, it’s time for a sit down conversation to review EVERYTHING.

We’ve seen flood insurance policies change again this year on homes. Hurricane deductibles continue to change, and each auto insurance provider has different rules.

Make sure you’re totally up to date on what you are covered for and what you might owe if the worst happens

Tip #3: Invest in a generator

Generators are expensive. But so is evacuating or throwing away the contents of your fridge & freezer.

If you just want to power a few fans and appliances when the power is out, a portable generator will do the trick. They start at around $500 so they pay for themselves in one use.

Whole home generators are more expensive, but keep EVERYTHING working in your home anytime the power goes out. They even kick on automatically if you’re not home.

If you’d like a referral to a local contractor who sells home generators, please let us know.